Top programmes
From A for aperitif to Z for zest, Top Spirit stands for more than just premium drinks. We stand for passion for excellence and a commitment to offering the very best to our on-trade and off-trade customers. Our programmes are a testament to this commitment and form the core of our mission: we stand for top brands, top service and top expertise. With the motto “Drinks are our Spirit”, we are proud to present our bespoke top-of-the-range programmes, designed for the highest quality, variety and innovation.
Top Aperitif
Aperitifs, spritzes & co. are among the top drink trends and have become an essential part of the drinks menu in local restaurants. Creative spritz variations and fruity, light summer cocktails are the ideal answer to the trendy aperitif culture. For the first time, non-alcoholic spirits offer health-conscious cocktail fans a real, tasty alternative. The uncomplicated do-it-yourself recipes from Top Spirit inspire with their variety of flavours and are ideal for remixing or the next outdoor party – bringing spring, enjoyment and joie de vivre into your glass. Whether it’s the Spritz from Hochriegl with the melodious names Rosie, Betty and Hugo, the Gurktaler Alpen-Aperitif, the Austrian answer to the Aperitivo trend, or the classic Italian Aperitivo Nonino or Galliano from Italy – our Aperitivo and Spritz range is perfect for the warm season.
With our versatile bar menu tool, our sales team will be happy to help you create the perfect aperitif bar menu.
Top Prestige
Premiumisation is a megatrend! With our unique luxury brands, you can inspire your guests and set yourself apart from other establishments. For our Prestige range, we offer you extravagant brand and tasting experiences, far removed from the usual marketing activities. Our brand ambassadors are at the forefront of delivering masterclasses that provide an in-depth understanding of the story behind our premium spirits.
From exceptional food pairings to bespoke décor, we create an environment that appeals to the most discerning tastes. We also cultivate strategic collaborations that underscore the premium nature of our brands. For us, trade shows are more than just a showcase – they are an opportunity to engage in dialogue with our peers and to showcase our innovations in the premium beverage market. This is all about prestige for us.
Top Malts
From Scotland and Ireland to America and Japan, we offer a wide range of premium whisk(e)ys that make the hearts of connoisseurs around the world beat faster. “Whisky around the world” is not just a slogan, it is our mission. From the smoky peaty notes of Scotland and the refined flavours of Japan to the robust characteristics of American bourbons and the traditional elegance of Ireland – with us you can experience whisk(e)y in all its richness and impressive diversity. At trade shows, events and masterclasses, we share not only the perfect taste, but also our extensive knowledge and passion for creating unique experiences for lovers of the category.
Top Party
With a focus on fun, community and memorable moments, we offer brands and unique experiences for those who want to live life to the fullest. At Top Spirit, we understand the art of creating memorable parties and offer the right selection of spirits to make every celebration a happening. From après-ski events to festivals, trade shows and exciting collaborations, we focus on party culture. Through our partnerships with clubs and event organisers across Austria, we are able to authentically present our proverbial hawker’s tray of party spirits. Whether it’s Kleiner Klopfer, Fireball or XuXu, our brands get the party started.
Top Partner
As your preferred partner, we offer the best service and value. With our bar menu tool, comprehensive drinks folder, POS folder and personalised support, we help you create distinctive brand experiences.
Our innovative bar menu tool allows you to easily manage your drinks selection and tailor it to the needs of your guests. Our nostalgia signages gives your venue a unique feel and emphasises the authenticity of your premium drinks, while our drinks folder tells stories, not just recipes. What also sets us apart is our dedicated team. Our people are not only experts in their field, they are passionate about your success. With personalised support and tailored services, we are here to make sure that every collaboration is smooth and enjoyable.
Discover how easy and effective working together can be when you have a top partner on your side.
Top Spirit – your key to outstanding brand experiences and long-term success.